March 1, 2013

Strictly for the Chickens...

One of my favorite pass times is bird watching.  In this case, I am watching my small flock of yard birds.  "Rooster" my rooster was rescued from an imminent appearance on one of my friend's dinner table, and his harem of 5 hens came from my in laws.

When I was first offered "Rooster" back during the Christmas season, we had only an old dog pen in our yard.  Our sweet Bassador Pugsley was evicted from his rarely used abode (he sleeps on the couch in the house most of the time), and the pen was renovated to make room for the winged ones. 

After determining the location of the would be chicken coop and pen, it was time to build.  Now, I have helped occasionally with some woodworking projects and I was convinced that it would be a simple project.  We would use wood that came from a half-way fallen down shack behind our house, and other materials would not be hard to come by.  After a very interesting battle tearing down the old shed, only a handful of boards were salvaged, but most of the tin was still usable.  I ran to the hardware store to acquire the remaining supplies.  The next day was dreary and yucky, but I was able to get my 4 corner posts in the ground....they don't need to be square and level right??  Needless to say, I am not the budding woodworker I had hoped I was.  My handy husband came to my rescue, and now, not only does the chicken coop have a better roof than our house, it is also more square and level than our house.  (I will tell the full story of our 93 year old house on another post soon.) 

So you can see, what was once for a dog, and then a project for my husband and and I is now Strictly for the Chickens...

Till Next Time,

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